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Available today!! Patrick and Keith's latest book, Joyful Outsiders: what it means to live like Jesus in a disorienting culture.



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God is calling you to build His kingdom, not the kingdom of the donkey or elephant.

As culture warriors divide the world into us and them—fracturing families, friendships, and churches—most of us long for an end to the constant fighting. But does a practical path exist?

Jesus lived in a culture split by tribalism, but he resisted its allure by choosing something bigger: truth. He's now inviting you to apply his ancient path to the modern culture war. In Truth over Tribe, you will learn:

  • How tribalism makes your life miserable
  • How to lovingly resist when a tribe demands your allegiance
  • Why the church is tribalized
  • How to heal relationships fractured by tribalism
  • How to unite diverse communities

How would your community change if you became a catalyst for Christlike unity? Rejecting tribalism is the first step.

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What others are saying:


Scott Sauls

Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church and Author

"In a time where division and quarrels are at a fever pitch, books that nudge us toward a more loving, life-giving posture are sorely needed. This is such a book."
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Michael Porter Jr.

NBA Player

“This book has given me a much better understanding of how and why our country has become so dangerously polarized and fractured. But even better, it presents simple, effective examples of what we as individuals can do to help stem the tide! What a great and timely reminder of the blessing that comes when we take a step back and focus on keeping first things first!”
aimee byrd

Aimee Byrd

Author of The Sexual Reformation

"If you want to be a person of conviction without turning into a total jerk, read this book."

Collin Hansen

The Gospel Coalition, host of Gospelbound podcast

"Revival looks like Christians waking up to the ways political parties and their allied media seek to co-opt and corrupt our faith."
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Kyle Idleman

Bestselling author of Not a Fan and One at a Time

"In a world of tribal temptations, we must be people who are true to God’s Word. We were made to belong first to God. Patrick and Keith are working to lead the way."
Greg Johnson

Greg Johnson

PhD, lead pastor, author of Still Time to Care

“As a gay atheist kid who fell in love with Jesus during a raging culture war between ‘the gays’ and ‘the Christians,’ I know what it’s like to live in the no man’s land between two warring tribes. Now decades later, when news and social media sell moral outrage and self-righteousness as a business model, Patrick Miller and Keith Simon offer this gift to the church. It’s a beautiful call to realign our tribal loyalties to Jesus, a king whose business model is founded upon his own radical grace to sinners like us.”

Meet the Authors

Patrick Miller

Patrick graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary and oversees digital ministries at The Crossing. He has written for The Gospel Coalition and Christianity Today, offers cultural commentary on the podcast Truth Over Tribe, and teaches on Ten Minute Bible Talks. He is married to Emily, and they have two kids.

Keith Simon

Keith graduated from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and coplanted The Crossing, where he is the colead teaching pastor. He interviews leading Christian thinkers on Truth Over Tribe and teaches on Ten Minute Bible Talks. Keith is married to Christine, and they have four children.